Tag Archives: team

Late night marketing support

06 11 2014

As a small independent marketing business you have to be nimble. A few nights ago we had a call for marketing support after most people would have left the office for the day. It was from one of our client sales teams who needed us to produce some presentation material for the next morning.


If you work with us already you know we provide fast marketing support, it’s one of our strengths. Of course we are not alone in responding fast to client requests and not compromising on quality but we got to thinking why we got the phone call?

It’s a cliché which I’m not going to apologise for but the reason we got that phone call was trust.


Our client had trust that we would pick up the call. We have a 24hour 7 day service.
We trusted our client had a genuine need.
They trusted that they could leave the job with us. We know their business.

We produced the presentation slides they needed and got a quick response back:

“I like them Phil !  Thanks for the out of hours support.”

More customer testimonials of Leadout Projects can be found here.